Monday, April 28, 2014


Changes . . .

Changes are coming to Writing, Whimsy and Devotion. For the next few months I will be trying a different schedule. Each Monday I will post something, which will hopefully be a fun, creative, inspiring writing prompt for you.

Then going month to month I will post:

Week One: An article on motivation for writers.

Week Two: Wednesday Whimsy where Lilybits will interview her friends, put in her two cents on a cat’s life, etc.

Week Three: A devotional in the spirit of my current Saturday Spiritual Uplift.

Week Four: An interview with an author or a book review.

Dear Readers: I hope you will keep coming back to Writing, Whimsy and Devotion, I love your comments, so please let me know what you think of these changes and what you like best about Writing, Whimsy and Devotion so far. I hope that you have been encouraged by each post. Next Monday, May 5th, we’ll continue examining the layers of characterization.

This week’s writing prompt:
She never thought she’d live in a castle, let alone a mansion. When she entered the center hall of the damp building she never expected to find . . . 

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