Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday Motivation - Creative Inspiration at Christmas

Creative Inspiration at Christmas

Inspiration for writing comes in many forms. This time of year we are surrounded by creative inspiration. During the busy and hectic days of the holiday season, it's good to take a break and absorb the wonderful Christmas movies and literature that abound. The following are just a few examples to get you started.

There aren’t many of us who haven’t seen the classic film It’s a Wonderful Life, where George Bailey, played by Jimmy Stewart, learns from an angel named Clarence that the world would be a much worse place if he’d never been born. 

Miracle on 34th Street appeals to the child in us all. When a kindly old man named Kris Kringle turns up and not only plays Santa at Macy’s, but asserts he is the real Santa Claus, he turns the world of a pragmatic single mom and her little daughter upside down.
Newer classics like Elf and the not so new Home Alone and its sequels continue to charm us. In A Christmas Story, we are treated to a nostalgic look at the early 1950s and laugh every time Ralphie’s desire for a Red Ryder BB gun are thwarted when each adult in his life repeats the well worn phrase, “You’ll shoot your eye out, kid.”

A Christmas made for TV special from the early 1970s was called The House without a Christmas Tree, about a little girl named Addie, who just wanted to celebrate a normal Christmas. However, her grim, grief-stricken father prohibited such activities since the loss of her mother during the holiday season when she was a baby. I had forgotten that the touching movie had been based on a book, written by Gail Rock and based on her childhood.

If you’re looking for a touching story for you or your children to read, here is a link with
more about the The House Without a Christmas TreeThe Children's Book Blog Christmas Countdown.

The dvd is also available at Amazon or Barnes and Noble, if you prefer to watch it.

But one of the earliest and perhaps the first time bending piece of literature written,  a classic penned by Charles Dickens and made into several film and animated versions, is of course, A Christmas Carol. Skinflint Ebeneezer Scrooge is visited by three spirits sent to teach him that all his money isn’t worth much in light of eternity, if he can’t share with others during his lifetime. The version of this we enjoyed watching the most with our kids was The Muppet Christmas Carol, which while it takes some liberties, stays pretty true to the message of other versions. I have yet to actually read the novella, though I have it on my Kindle app. One of these days . . .

So give yourself a break, sit back with a cup of hot chocolate or tea and curl up with a Christmas book or watch a Christmas movie to fill your imagination up and be inspired!
Maybe you'll be the one to write a classic Christmas story this year.

Enjoy this trailer for The Muppet Christmas Carol and don't forget to enter
December's drawing for a Christmas gift basket filled with books and
goodies. Leave a comment or follow the blog by Dec. 23rd to qualify.


  1. Thanks for the uplift, Kathy. As for me, every time I feel my stomach clench I remind myself to stay focused on the reason for Christmas--how God loves us so much and what He did on that very first Christmas day.

    Holiday blessings.

    1. Hi Elaine! Thanks for stopping by. Amen to what you said and isn't that our greatest inspiration to write for Him--that God sent His only Son to die for our sins?
      The greatest gift and the greatest love!
