Wednesday, September 18, 2013


How Cats Like to Help Their Writer Friends

Mom decided I should break from the book reviews this week and share how cats like to help their humans write. First of all, I like to either cuddle on Mom’s lap or sit on the back of her chair to encourage her. Of course, when I am behind her head, I am establishing that I am alpha kitty. Sometimes she needs to be reminded that I’m in charge.

Another method I use to help is by walking across the keyboard. You humans always think that we felines are needy enough to want attention when we do that. Really? Maybe we’re trying to show you where you need some serious editing and rewriting done.

And I love to hold one of Mom’s hands between my paws, while I curl up on her lap. This way I have fun watching her try to type with one hand as I pretend I’m sleeping. Oops! What I meant to say is I just want her typing to be slow and purposeful, so she doesn’t make so many mistakes.

Hoping Mom will share her dinner since
I'm such a big help to her.
One of my favorite ways to help Mom with her writing is to put my paws in her water glass and tip it just enough so I can take a drink. What I can’t figure out is why the glass falls over and spills every time. Anyway, Mom has to get up and wipe the water up, thus giving her a much-needed break. She’s onto me, though. Now she sets out cups with lids on them. Oh well.

How does your feline friend or canine pal help you write?


  1. Dear Alpha Kitty,
    You gots nothing on me. I'm the alpha dog what sits on the back o' mom's chair and farts in her ear. Now THAT'S how you teach 'em who's boss. I make sure I sleep between her legz while her types so she gets a cramp and gets up for treats. Learn that trick, too, and you'll be almost az alpha az me.
    (Karla Akins iz my Mama)

    1. Hey Jakearoodog,

      You dogs iz way out there! Farting in your mama's ear, now that's just groooss! You might look like the boss,
but if you want to really be the boss, youz got to be
way more sneakier. That way they think you're being
cute, without realizing you're really in charge. Umm,
gotta go, Mom's coming back. Bye!



  2. Dear Kathy,
    Please forgive my rude dog for leaving a comment. He got to my keyboard while I was taking something to my office. Let me know if you have any tips on dealing with this alpha monster!
    (Loved this post! Made me smile on a very stressful day!)

    This blog is sooo pretty, too! Love it.

    1. No problem, Karla. Lily has no problem defending her own honor, which she apparently did without asking me first! Still working on that how to deal with an alpha monster thing.

      Glad to brighten your day. That’s what Lily and I aim to do. ;)


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Shhh, Mom doesn't know that sometimes I post things to her Facebook page when she's not looking. Well, not really. I've tried though but my paws are just not able to handle pushing only ONE button on that laptop. I keep her company though because writing is a lonely job and sometimes I jump into her lap or sit right in front of that monitor. Mostly I do it so I can see out the window better and protect the fortress, but also because I want to be snuggled. She is suspicious though of the times I've been on her desk when she's not around. If she only kept it cleaner the papers wouldn't keep falling to the floor. Every once and awhile I bark at her so she gets up and moves around. She's not fond of reconnaissance missions to the backyard (especially in the winter) but she loves me anyway. She's my favorite human. I'm glad I rescued her.
    Spatzle (the Maltese defender of the home)

    1. Yeah, I'm glad I rescued my human, too. She definitely needs the company, inspiration and direction, that a feline like myself is able to give. :)

      You sound all right for a canine companion, Spatzie!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What a great post. My boys, Nemo and Cory, love to curl up with me where ever my roving office is (it's a laptop, so sometimes it's the bed, or the couch or the dining room table or the desk in the basement). They like to follow and curl up as close as they can with the hopes that I'll take a much-needed break and play with them.

    Also, Cory is the inspiration behind the loveable, loyal, ever-cuddly dog companion of one one my characters, and Nemo is the inspiration behind the humorous, too-human-at-times, discerning wolf friend of another of my characters.

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks for stopping by! Pets provide great inspiration, don't they?
      Thanks for sharing. Now I want to read your work and see where Cory and
      Nemo come through. :)
